At Kingborough Family Church we’re passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission that Jesus gave the Church in Matthew 28:19-20. It is our heart to see people brought into relationship with Christ on a local, national and global level, and so it is our aim to be involved in spreading the gospel in as many ways as we can.

Every Thursday at Kingborough Family Church, we provide food (fresh vegetables, bread, pantry items, fresh milk…) and community support service. This includes providing food for those in need, as well as ‘The Shed’ – our op shop to purchase donated goods. During this time, we serve tea, coffee and snack and also have support workers on hand who are available for conversation, referrals for other assistance, prayer and other personal support.

To be eligible for this service you need to have a one-off interview, have a current Centrelink concession card or be in a position requiring urgent assistance. Please bring your own boxes or shopping bags.

Community Care starts at 11.45am every Thursday, except public holidays and a short closure over the Christmas/New Year period.

We source our food from different suppliers including Food Bank Tasmania, Fusion, Woolworths and other businesses.

If you would like more information please email us at- 

Can You Help?

Community Care is a volunteer-based organisation, and a registered ‘not for profit’, supporting southern Tasmanian families each week. If you would like to donate financially to the ongoing support of our local community, or if you have the ability to volunteer on a Thursday, then please contact the church office.

At Kingborough Family Church, we want to be able to see people reached with the gospel at a local, national and even international level. It’s because of this desire to see the kingdom of God grow that we engage in supporting various national and global missions projects. After all, in the end it’s all about seeing people equipped and communities transformed.

Below are some of the areas that we support financially through our M28 Missions budget.

Local Missions

Community Care- food relief

Special Events- Easter, Carols, Christmas…

Local Schools Ministry

Community Projects


Overseas Missions


Samaritans Purse/Operation Christmas Child


Hope Village- Indonesia