At Kingborough Family Church we have a simple approach to outworking Christianity in our faith community by “Loving God and Loving People” and we understand that when someone chooses to follow God we see that as just the beginning of the journey into the next chapter of their life and as a church our desire is to help them on that journey of growth and maturity.

We have regular groups that cater for guests who comes through the doors of our church, including a Sunday kids ministry, playgroup, weekly youth groups, junior youth nights, community care, and regular life groups where people can get together and build connections.


Kingborough Family Church is located in Huntingfield, turn left at the fork in the roadIf you’re going to be in the southern Hobart region on a Sunday morning, then we would love to see you at Kingborough Family Church. Our service starts at 10am, and usually includes contemporary Christian music, communion, an inspiring message and more. Our regular services are supported by a great kids ministry

At KFC, we’re family, so please feel free to come just as you are. We’d love to welcome you and get to know you, so make sure you hang around after the service to join us for a cup of tea or coffee and some morning tea.

Interested? Follow us on Facebook, or subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with what’s happening.

If you’ve been a guest at one of our services, we’d love you to complete our Guest Form so we can stay in touch.








Join us at Kingborough Family Church for worship, teaching and connectionAre you thinking about making Kingborough Family Church your home?

At Kingborough Family Church we don’t do membership, but we do partnership. That means we don’t ask you to sign anything, or go through any process of acceptance, you’re welcome here the moment that you walk in the door. Partnership just means that you’re a part of the family.

We have regular ‘Guest Lunches’ occurring throughout the year, which will allow you to meet the leadership of the church, ask any questions that you might have about how we operate, what we do, where we see ourselves going or anything else that you may feel the desire to ask. It just gives you the opportunity to sit down and have an open and honest conversation with us, so that you know us a bit better.

If you’d like to come along to the next Guest Lunch, then please fill out your details in the form below and we’ll send you out an invitation!

When we come together as a family on Sunday, it’s only a part of how we do life together at Kingborough Family Church. During the week, we have a variety of life groups available for various age groups, interests and focuses.

Life Groups at Kingborough Family Church are about doing life together and building relationships with other people. We have life groups focused on bike riding, book club, as well as those focusing on bible study or just sitting around a table of food chatting about life.

And if there’s something that interests you, then we’d love to help you in starting up your own group. Please complete this Life Group form if you are interested in joining a life group, or have a look at the notice board in the church foyer to find one that suits you!

Kids Church at Kingborough Family Church


During the term on specific Friday afternoons we have a program for Prep to Grade 6. There’s heaps of fun, music and a chance to break of into small groups to talk about how God engages in our everyday lives.

See the calendar below for details. 

KFC Youth (grades 6 to 12) gather Fridays in the term from 7-9pm. We create a space to be safe, have fun and connect with others through a range of activities. Youth Life (YL) is part of our night dedicated for exploring how God impacts our lives. We make space to connect with God through his Word and worship and create opportunities to discuss life, concerns, queries, and see what God’s Word has to say about them.

Keep an eye out for our new calendar at the beginning of each term to make sure you know what’s coming up!


Youth Registration Form